Our Mission

Our mission

Instilling confidence, hope, positivity and reassurance is at the heart of Zipporahmeadows Plus Ltd. We provide mental health and learning disability support in Wales.

WHo we are

At Zipporahmeadows Plus Ltd,  we are a nurse-led residential mental health / learning disability service striving to close the gaps in mental health services, particularly the evident gaps created when patients find themselves stuck in hospitals with no placement to go to.

Our nurse-led services ensure quality and commitment is at the core of everything we do. Our team includes seasoned mental health nurses with extensive experience in working in various mental health settings. Our nurses have experience working with quality assurance regulatory bodies for mental health and learning disabilities.

Learning Disability Support

WHat we believe

We believe in keeping the best interests of young people at the heart of all our services. We aim to create a stable environment where teenagers feel safe and supported.

To ensure every teenager who stays in our supported living accommodation receives the attention and support they deserve, we offer a wide range of activities, including everything from CBT therapy to stress management.

Teenage Mental Health

If you have any questions or would like to discuss what we can do to help you, call us now on: 0333 339 9234


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